Mark’s testimony is a wonderful short term testimony showing how quickly your body responds to nutrient dense foods and juicing. Mark says; “I have been monitoring my cholesterol since 1980 as it crept higher each year. For the last five years my cholesterol has averaged 258. My wife and I decided to go to the Plant City, Florida Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Center four months ago. We heard about the Orcutts from a very good friend of our in New York who had been to their Lifestyle Center. In just four months my cholesterol has dropped down 54 points to 204. I am looking forward to getting below 200.
I feel like the guy on the Dunkin Donut commercials who wakes up and says, 'Time to make the donuts.' I wake up and say, 'I have to juice the carrots.' So far, Donna and I have juiced 150 pounds of carrots, 15 pounds of celery, and 15 pounds of other greens such as spinach, lettuce, and collards. It’s fun to see the comments we get at the supermarket, such as; “Oh do you have horses? Or do you have rabbits? Speaking of animals, I am eating like a pig, but all healthy food so I am not gaining weight. I’ve lost 10 pounds so far. My wife, Donna, has been cooking and preparing up a storm in the kitchen (that is why I married her – LOL). She does keep asking where Team 1 from the Lifestyle Center is.
We have been inviting friends and family over to try the food. Everyone raves about the food and can’t believe it is raw or vegan. I feel great. Thank you so much for putting our feet on a healthier path.”