Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hot Flashes Gone After 5 Days!

Flashes and fans beware!

Janice Heid
Janice Heid at the Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle
Center in Plant City, Florida
2012 for me was a year of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments after receiving a diagnosis of re-occurring breast cancer. I also turned 50 that year and as we rang in the 2013 New Year, I noticed I had less “hitch in my giddy-up” as well as a host of other “I never had this before” types of issues. I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me towards a need to cleanse from all the medical toxins in my body, as well as get a kick start back to a healthier diet. I had known about the Hallelujah lifestyle since 2000 when my Dad was sick and I have “dated” the lifestyle on and off ever since. It was time to make a commitment and in comes Plant City, Florida’s Hallelujah Acres Health Ministers, Dave, Sherry and Amberlee. My experience was so much more than I could have hoped for as we daily dove into devotionals, exercise, demonstrations, hands-on meal preparation, educational sessions, as well as a field trip to a Holistic food store. The food was delicious, the fellowship was sweet, and my fellow sojourners are now so dear to my heart for having shared this wonderful experience. I left feeling abundantly blessed and equipped to finally commit to the Hallelujah Lifestyle!

Since the chemo had put me into menopause, I have carried about a hand-held fabric fan for the past year for those daily surging’s of hot flashes. I noticed the day after I returned from my Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Center experience that I had not hot-flashed the entire day! A day has now turned into a week, and I have not picked up my fan once. I know the Lord has given me what Sherry calls a “God Wink” – He is letting me know He is restoring the temple from the inside out. To God be all the glory –“He loves us with an everlasting love and draws us with loving kindness.

Janice Heid with Dave & Sherry Orcutt
Janice Heid with Dave & Sherry Orcutt of the
Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Center in Plant City, FL

I also began to experience "tachycardia" (fast heart rate) immediately following my first chemotherapy treatment. My cardiologist put me on a beta-blocker which addressed the symptoms I was experiencing. Twice I tried to wean myself off of the meds once my chemo treatments were finished (after having consulted with my doctor) but each time the symptoms returned.
During the third week of making the Hallelujah diet a lifestyle, I forgot (which I now know was the Holy Spirit!) to take the beta blocker and the symptoms did not return! So for the third and last time, I spent the week easing off the drug and in the words of our Lord - "It is finished"!!! All praise and glory to our Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Heals)!

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